In our daily operations, we are often asked by many parents whether socks are necessary to wear with our shoes. While it's a traditional belief to have socks worn with covered shoes for better fit and hygiene purpose, it really depends on various factors including the climate, the type of shoes, and personal preference.

What Are The Benefits of Wearing Socks

  1. Foot Health: Socks can provide an additional layer of protection against blisters, chafing, and friction, which can be particularly important for children who are active or wear shoes for extended periods.

  2. Warmth: In colder climates or during winter months, socks can help keep children's feet warm and comfortable, especially if they are wearing shoes made of materials that don't provide much insulation. 

3. Hygiene: Socks can absorb sweat and help keep feet dry, reducing the risk of fungal infections such as athlete's foot.

4. Shoe Fit: Socks can also help achieve a better fit for some shoes, especially if they are slightly loose.

5. Comfort: Some children may find wearing socks more comfortable, especially if the shoes are made of materials that can be abrasive or cause irritation. 

When Can Socks Be Omitted

There may be situations where children can go without socks, such as:

  • In warmer climates where wearing socks may make their feet too hot and uncomfortable.
  • For quick trips outdoors or activities where socks may not be necessary.
  • With certain types of shoes like sandals or water shoes, where socks are not typically worn.

Ultimately, it's a matter of personal preference and situational factors. Parents can consider the weather, the activity their child will be engaging in, and the type of shoes they are wearing when deciding whether socks are necessary.

Do Children Need To Wear Non-slip Socks

Non-slip socks (or anti-skid socks) are socks with added tread patterns on the sole (usually rubber) to improve the grip and reduce chances of slipping.

Non-slip socks can be beneficial for children in certain situations, particularly for safety reasons. Here are some scenarios where non-slip socks may be recommended:

  1. Toddlers and Young Children: Toddlers who are learning to walk or young children who are still developing their coordination may benefit from wearing non-slip socks, especially on slippery surfaces like hardwood floors or tiled areas. The grippy soles can provide traction and help reduce the risk of slips and falls.

  2. Activities and Play Areas: For indoor play areas or activities such as gymnastics, yoga, or dance, where children may be moving around on smooth surfaces, non-slip socks can provide added stability and prevent accidents.

  3. Special Needs: Children with certain developmental conditions or sensory processing issues may benefit from the added stability provided by non-slip socks.

While non-slip socks can be beneficial in these situations, they may not be necessary at all times. Children can typically wear regular socks in most situations without issue. However, it's important for parents to assess the environment and the activities their children will be engaging in to determine whether non-slip socks are needed for added safety.

Must Your Child Wear Socks with Two Little Feet Shoes

All our shoes are lined with either breathable and very comfortable textile or soft microfiber leather, making socks wearing optional for little ones. Our water-friendly Outdoor Shoes with EVA footbed that adds extra comfort, and are easily hand-washable, making it a great choice for bare-foot wearing. 

As mentioned above, sometimes socks will help to improve the fit of the shoes, especially for styles with roomy fit such as sandals. So, if your child is between sizes, you can still consider putting on socks to prevent chaffing and making wearing shoes more comfortable for them.

Shop our Sock-Free Footwear Collections:

  • Baby Shoes
  • Baby Sandals
  • Kids Sandals
  • Ultra-light Breathable Kids Shoes
  • Real Leather Baby Shoes
  • Outdoor Shoes

    Use our smart Size Assistant to find out your child's Two Little Feet shoe size, based on their feet length!

    Looking for more options?

    For babies just starting to walk, check out this curated Wobbly Steps Collection for first walkers who are still walking with support.

    If your child is walking steadily, we have curated a Steady Walking Kids Shoes and Sandals Collection.

    Have an active running and jumping child at home? Look no further than our most supportive kids sneakers and children sandals for Active Running young ones!